
Machine Loan 机械贷款

Machine Loan in Malaysia机械贷款

Purpose : Purchase a new machine or Refinancing existing machine
Machine Loan In Malaysia Machine Loan In Malaysia Machine Loan In Malaysia
Amount : Min RM 200,000 to RM 3 million

Interest : 4.0% per annum on yearly rest

Tenure of year : Up to 10 years including grace period of up to 3 years

High Margin : 90% of value or 100%


  1. Profitable
  2. Min 3 years Sdn Bhd or Bhd
  3. No bad bank record
  4. Fixed machine / equipment only

Service Coverage : Pahang, KL, Selangor, NS, Melaka in Malaysia




贷款期限:最高10年 + 3个月到3年GRACE PERIOD



  1. 赚钱公司
  2. 最少3年Sdn BhdBHD
  3. 无不良银行记录
  4. 不能移动的机械贷款





1. Biz operations / directorship - 3 Yr above
2. Min turnover Rm 1 mil above (focus on S/B) Unless medical industry (sole prop / partnership) such as dental then min turnover Rm 500k above 
3. Industries focus (need the specified license) 
heavy equipment - construction 
printing paper - printing licence 
F&b  - need ISO licence 
transportation / logistics lorry
medical equipment such as dental / lab equipment 
4. Must have 1 year ccris 
5. Loan financing -  Min Rm 250k - max Rm 1.5mil                                
6. Loan tenure -  max 7 yr / min 2 Yr 
7. Rate - new - 3.85% to 4.35%
                Used - 3.95% to 4.95%
8. Fees - RM 300- loan amt below Rm 500k
                 Rm 500 - loan amt above Rm 500k
Transfer fees - RM 350 per vehicle ( if JPJ registered vehicle only)

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